Posts Tagged ‘Tips’

Skyrim – How to get started

Posted: December 25, 2012 in Misc
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Here are some tips to get started in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

If you choose your character to be an Imperial, you will have some extra luck in finding coins. This only matters in the beginning of the game, where gold is short.

Follow your companion to the town  Riverwood. Here you can:

  • Earn gold by chopping wood and selling it to Hod
  • Solve the quest “A Love Letter” and get a follower. Very nice to have someone to help you in future battles.
  • Solve the quest “The Golden Claw” and get a reward of 400 gold.

Any blacksmith will learn you the basic if you ask him about helping him.

You can harvest vegetables in the fields and sell them to the farmer.

Sniper Elite is a great game for those with no urge to rush through a game. Take your time and enjoy your silent but deadly progress through each map. In Sniper Elite the goal isn’t to set a new time record. Be a ghost!

Here are the in-game tips:
(On-screen when the game is loading)


  • Moving while crouched generates no noise. Use this to sneak up on enemies.
  • Keep your distance from enemies. They are devastating up close.
  • Frequently relocate to keep your enemies from hunting you down.


  • Enter ‘Empty Lung’ mode when your heart rate is sufficiently low and time will appear to slow down.
  • Use Mouse Wheel Up to aim the sniper rifle without looking through the scope.
  • Welrod kills are silent.
  • Quickly equip a grenade with 4.


  • Compensate for the effects of gravity on long shots by aiming above your targets.

 Tactical assistance

  • When an enemy loses sight of you, the ghost image indicates your last known position.
  • Press Mouse 1 to tag enemies while looking at them through the binoculars.
  • Use the Threat Indicator to keep out of sight and line of fire. White: You’re in line of sight. Yellow: You’re visible but not noticed yet. Red: You are revealed!
  • Use the Aim Assistance in ‘Empty Lung’ mode to help you counterfit the gravity.


  • Press Space to perform a stealth kill when standing behind unaware enemies.
  • Pick up corpses with Space (Hold) to move them out of sight.
  • Search dead bodies for extra ammunition or items with E.
  • Use Q to enter or exit cover.
  • Press to using your binoculars to look for enemy troops.


  • Enemy soldiers will investigate the sound of thrown rocks.
  • Enemies will be less likely to spot you if you’re prone, but you will have limited mobility.
  • Destroy vehicles by shooting their fuel caps.
  • Snipe enemy grenades for long-range explosive kills.
  • Take advantage of loud noises to mask shots. Look for the (()) icon on-screen.
  • Placed dynamite is triggered by a shot from the sniper rifle. Use this to surprise enemies.
  • Prevent enemies flanking you with land mines and trip mines.
  • The glint of a sniper’s scope will reveal their position.
  • Some objectives have path markers (yellow dot) that point out the ideal route. Press Tab to see these.


  • View the map and current objectives with M.
  • Tagged targets will be marked on your map.

Game challenges

  • Replay missions to earn higher scores and beat your friends on the leaderboards.
  • Gold bars are scattered across the levels. Collect them all.
  • Bottles are hidden in every level. Snipe them all for a reward.