
Welcome to my blog . I just felt like starting blogging today. The first day in the year 2010.

Slinky is the name I use in multiplayer games and in other game related occasions. Gaming has become a kind of sport for me. Mainly I just play for fun. I started playing with friends in LAN. The first time I played Call of Duty 4 online I got recruited for a Danish clan. Why not? I was still having fun.

Now I play on a more competitive level in a team, where we train once a week and play against other teams from other clans. I learn and get better. And it’s fun. That’s what I will share in my blog. Tips and fun in gaming.

By the way: my first language is Danish so forgive me if my English is a little incorrect.

  1. slinkydk says:

    Hi there. A little update. 2½ year has passed. I’m still gaming, but not on a competitive level – still in a clan however – just for the fun. Call of Duty 4 was followed by Modern Warfare 2 and later Modern Warfare 3. Sniffed a little to Battlefield Bad Company 2 also. At the moment I’m playing Elite Sniper V2.

    In 2011 i got a baby daugther, so my sparetime has decreased somewhat (I’m her mother if anybody wonder…). So I don’t play so often and blogging is also a time consuming job, but occationally new blogs will appear – I promise 😉

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